President Trump in Houston Today

Former President Donald Trump is making two appearances in Houston today.

The first will be at the George R. Brown at his son Don Jr’s “American Freedom Tour,” featuring as speakers Don Jr., Kayleigh McEnany, Dinesh D’Souza, Judge Jeanine Pirro, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and others.  The time of Trump’s appearance has not been announced for the event that begins at 8:15 and runs through 5pm. Tickets start at $9 and go up to $2,000 for those who want to meet Don Jr. in person. The event is closed to the media so don’t expect to hear a lot of details soon.

Trump’s second appearance is in the evening at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds,9333 Airport Road northwest of Conroe, where the doors open at 2pm. Among the speakers are Governor Greg Abbott and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, as well as Attorney General Ken Paxton and Ag Commissioner Sid Miller, as well as a number of state and local GOP candidates and representatives. The event is free and is expected to begin around 4:30. Trump is expected to speak at 7pm. At his first rally in Arizona this year Trump spoke for 90 minutes so something similar is expected at this event.

KTRH AM 740 has not been authorized to broadcast live audio from the event, however listen to KTRH news at the top of each hour Saturday night and Sunday morning where we will include soundbites from Trump’s speech when they become available.

photo: Getty Images

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