Gen Z Workers Gaining A Reputation For Frivolous Complaints

Young people in Generation Z now make up about a quarter of the U.S. workforce. However, they're already gaining a reputation for generating the majority of workplace complaints.

A recent New York Post article citied various Human Resources professionals, who say Gen Z workers (those age 25 and younger) tend to bring the most grievances and misunderstandings no matter how minor. Dr. Di Ann Sanchez, a workplace culture expert, says Gen Z is a very different group compared to Baby Boomers.

“This generation [Z] will definitely speak up if something’s not right to them,” Sanchez said. “Socially, morally, ethically, in their workload.”

Sanchez preaches patience to Boomers and Gen Z workers who are butting heads. She says many younger workers only have an attention span of about eight seconds. Critics say Gen Z employees should talk to their colleagues and bosses first, before filing HR complaints.

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