’22 Midterms: Most Republicans Doubt Their Vote Will Be Counted Accurately

Everybody in the nation loves "Let's go Brandon", but won't mean as much if people don't follow through and vote.

"Ultimately elections are won and lost at the ballot box, not in the newspapers and on cable tv" said Christian Adams, President of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, "It is essential that people actually turn out if they want to effect change."

A new NBC News poll showed that 50% of Republicans doubt their votes will be counted accurately, but hopefully that will change after the stunning win in Virginia for Republican Glenn Youngkin, who dealt Joe Biden and the Democrats a severe blow, and is the new governor of the commonwealth.

"It's a great example of the contrast between Georgia and Virginia" Adams told KTRH, "People in Virginia turned out to vote and were able to secure a victory, but voters in Georgia just sat at home and elected two radical progressives to the Senate."

Adams adds, that will be the blue print for next year in the 2022 midterms, a solid reminder for Republicans, "If you don't show up you lose."


Photo: Getty Images

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