Houston is a great place. That's why so many people are moving here!

Redfin Economist Daryl Fairweather gives a couple of reasons. "The number of people relocating to Houston has doubled in the last year. Because of the pandemic, people are looking for more space, and because of remote-working, they can still work for the same company." Houston has sunshine, industry, fine arts and beautiful neighborhoods. Fairweather says, "People are looking for places that are more affordable - and it's not just real estate prices that factor into that. It's also taxes and the fact that you get more for your money in Houston."

Sold: Houston Housing Sales Soar

California and New York lead the pack for towns losing population to Houston. Fairweather notes, "Houston is one of the most popular migration destinations. It has a better job market than most and lots of sunshine." Out-of-towners are adding to the demand for a shrinking supply of homes here. "Home prices in Houston have gone up a lot this year. 12% year-over-year. And when people come from cities with more expensive housing, the wind up spending more for their home than the locals do."

Makes sense the family migration to Houston has doubled in a year.

photo: Getty

People migrating to Houston

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