More Americans Are Choosing Jobs, Brands, And Friends Based On Politics

Remember the good ol' days? When the election would roll around, you would cast your vote and then get on with your life? Republican or Democrat, sometimes you would win and sometimes your party would lose. Now? Identity politics have become our identity! We choose our jobs, friends, brands, media outlets, even what family members we want to spend time with all based on political affiliations. Political Scientist Dr. Bob Stein of Rice told KTRH that this is nothing new, or something that started with Donald Trump. But it sure feels that way! Stein says what has changed? "What we've seen is a steady movement not towards what we like, but what we don't like. People have come to hate the other party more than they like their own party." And even worse, Stein says "people with strong dislikes of the other party prefer not to be associated with those people, and down the line we've seen the cultural wars become overcome by the political wars." A war that has seen big tech censorship and cancel culture become the norm. And as for the old adage 'agree to disagree'? Not possible in 2021. So where do we go from here? Stein says America today is a different America than the one we grew up with, and it's going to be even more different ten years from now. Stein says it's all about a shifting of power, and not everyone is open to it. "This country is not going back to where it was, and a lot of American's are having a difficult time adjusting to the fact that they no longer have that majority and what comes with that majority. The ability to rule, govern, and possibly exclude other people." Hard to believe it was almost 20 years ago that Rodney King asked the question, "can't we all just get along."


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