America: A Majority - Minority?

We learned a lot from this past 2020 election. Voter fraud aside, we now know that the Democrats have backed a strategy known as 'identity politics'. So basically, the left believes that America is on it's way to becoming a 'majority-minority' nation, and even more importantly, they have decided that they will be their party. And while that may sound like a good idea on paper, socialism is not. And as former Texas congressman Matt Rinaldi told KTRH, the Democrats went to far! "I think this is the election that the Democrats went very far left, and I think it became obvious to those (minority) voters they did not share their values." A fact that was made crystal clear here in the state of Texas where the 'big blue wave' didn't hold water. Rinaldi says 'identity politics' don't work, "They divide us, and in the end people just want to be able to live their lives, and when the democrats are trying to close churches, lockdown businesses, and defund the police", well as we saw, the majority will not vote for that.

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