Biden had his turn; now President Trump gets his convention

Last week the Democrats gave Joe Biden his convention. The Republicans and President Trump take their turn today.

One thing's for sure. Fox's Elizabeth Ames says this convention won't bore you like the Dems did.

"Donald Trump is a showman by his very nature. Part of his career has been spent in the entertainment business," Ames said. "He loves rallies, and he knows what gets people's emotions going. He's instinctual in that regard."

RNC Committeeman Robin Armstrong is part of the Texas delegation in North Carolina.

"It is very exciting to be a part of. It will be good to get together with like minded delegates and RNC members so we can celebrate the next four years," Armstrong explained.

The Dems painted a doom and gloom picture last week. Armstrong says the Trump message is different.

"We will talk about what the President has done and accomplished. He's accomplished a lot," Armstrong stated. "Prior to the pandemic we had the best economy we have had in decades. So he's going to talk about that."

The convention runs through Thursday night.

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