Houston Mayor Asks Texas GOP to Cancel State Convention, Go Virtual

Mayor Sylvester Turner is urging the Texas GOP Executive Committee to cancel their in-person state Republican convention next week and go virtual.

On Monday, the Houston mayor announced all events at the George R. Brown Convention Center had been canceled for the rest of the calendar year. All except for one. The State Republican Convention is scheduled for next Thursday, July 16th through the 18th. Turner, a Democrat, says he doesn't think it's a good idea for the 6,000 presumed attendees to come together. However, if they do, he says authorities will enforce strict rules.

“Face coverings will be a must. In addition, they must modify the layouts of the convention to promote social distance of at least six feet between people. Limit attendance, seating capacity, or host smaller events in larger rooms,” Turner said.

Mayor Turner did not call for the same kinds of restrictions when thousands gathered for the Black Lives Matter rallies after the death of George Floyd in May.

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