Pandemic induced shutdowns cause 'internal battle' for America

The COVID-19 pandemic, and the shutdowns that have come along with it, are creating an 'internal battle' for America.

One one side you have President Trump, who wants you to live.

"Our country wants to open. You see what's going on. They have to open," Trump said last week.

On the other side, the mainstream media, who wants you to live in fear. George Washington University's Dr. Jonathan Reiner doesn't even want you going outside.

"It really betrays the hundreds of thousands of people in the United States who work in hospitals day and night to try and save lives," Reiner said.

U-H political science professor Jacquie Baly says we've let the left have too much control.

"Our economy is coming to a horrible stop. We are not looking at a recession. We are looking at a depression because of it," Baly stated.

And Texas Governor Greg Abbott has had to step in and stop liberal overreach.

"You have common sense, at least with Republican leaders, who are seeing the overreach and correcting it," Baly explained, pointing out that Abbott issued executive orders stopping fines for things like not wearing a mask, which Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo had put into place..

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