We’ll Have the Best Lawns of our Lives This Summer

Social distancing means a lot of solitary time alone, but gardening is offering a chance to escape from indoors and a lot of people are taking advantage of the time-off and the good weather.This summer there should be some great looking lawns throughout Houston.

We’re heading into a weekend with no rain expected so this is the perfect time to tend to some stress-relieving chores in the backyard.

“I’m out doing my gardening today,” says Randy Lemmon, the best gardener in Texas and host of Gardenline, heard every weekend morning on KTRH from 6 to 10 am. Be sure to check out Randy’s Facebook page for his tips, including this one about fire ants.

“There’s a whole lot of stuff that we should be doing in the month of April, and since we’re home – staying home and staying safe – put the time to good use,” Randy suggests.

April is the ultimate month to do just about everything, Randy says. There’s things we don’t always get done, like doing a good walk-through in the backyard and checking the plants for diseases and bugs, pruning what needs to be cut back, weeding, mulching (never dyed mulch!!), or fertilizing.

“One of the things we can and should do, so we get out in the sunshine and get that Vitamin D, build that immune system, is garden, whether that’s lawn work, planting flowers, doing a vegetable garden, this is going to make things sparkle and shine the summer, because we’re taking the time and making the investment now.”

Feed and garden stores are considered essential, so they’ll be open to pick up this year’s annuals.

Listen to Randy this weekend as he takes phone calls at 713-212-5874 to answer gardening questions.

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