There's Help for Montgomery County Residents Hit by Imelda

Montgomery County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management asks that if you have damage due to Tropical Storm Imelda to register losses by filling out a damage report on website We have also opened our call center for damage reports. The call center will be opened from 8am-5pm Monday through Friday next week. If you do not have internet access and need assistance filling out the damage report call 936-523-3916.

Residents who require assistance with “muck and gut” can register at This is a nonprofit partner, and there is no “guarantee” of assistance, but nonprofit partners will coordinate with crisis cleanup to assist registrants with muck and gut.

If you would like to help Montgomery County Residents monetary donations are being accepted by the following two organizations, and the funds will go directly back into our community to support the victims of Tropical Storm Imelda.

·The Montgomery County Community Foundation – MC Long term Disaster Recovery Fund If calling to make your donation please make sure to mention the Long term Disaster Recovery Fund (281) 363-8158

·Interfaith of the Woodlands

In the last 4 years, we have become no stranger to these type of disasters. As always, Montgomery County will persevere and we are going to come out of this one even stronger than before. Every disaster we survive together only brings us closer, and sharpens us for the next

Tropical Storm Imelda Brings Heavy Flooding To Houston Area

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