Teens are getting their news and information from YouTube and social media

Your parents may have told you "don't watch too much television, it'll ruin your eyes." Well, when it comes to YouTube, you ain't seen nothing yet. More than half of 13 to 17 years olds say they get their news -- and what to think about it -- from YouTube celebrities and social media.

Michael Robb of Common Sense Media says parents should take a look at the YouTube influencers.

"There are a significant number of children who are turning to them to be informed about what's going on in the world."

Kristy Gillentine at Houston's Drive West Communications says kids need to hear both sides.

"I do think it is cause for concern if young people are watching YouTube for their news and information and aren't doing the proper fact-checking and background information research."

Robb says parents need to teach their kids to be good news consumers -- don't automatically believe what you hear on YouTube, do some research to verify the truth.

"Unlike traditional news organizations, it may not be apparently clear how reputable they are; what's opinion versus fact; whether they make proper attribution to sources; what information they leave in and what information they leave out."

The perspective on YouTube is overwhelmingly leftist and its parent company, Google, is regularly accused of censoring conservatives.

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