Americans waste a lot of money

Americans waste a lot of money

We used to be a nation of savers. Now, we are a nation that wastes money.

New research shows the average American spends 18-thousand dollars a year on things we don't need. That works out to almost $1500 a month. Economist Vance Gin with the Texas Public Policy Foundation told KTRH this is reality hitting you in the face.

“All of us should look at our budget and look at a line by line basis at what we use,” Ginn said.

And he adds that if you need help with saving money there's actually an app for that.

“I use YNAB, where you can identify and put in every one of your transactions. You can actually see the areas where you need to cut back,” Ginn explained.

The research from Ladder and One Poll says most of our wasted money goes to eating out, drinks, takeout, and buying lunch.

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