CDC: White Fertility Rates Low in All 50 States

U.S.fertility rates have hit a new low -- especially among white women.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports fertility rates for white women were low in every state in 2017, but up in 12 states for black women and up in 29 states for Hispanic women.

“We're seeing many many areas where minority populations together exceed the number of people of Anglo origin, or non-Hispanic whites,” says Dr.Steve Murdock, Rice University sociologist and former U.S. Census Bureau chief.

Murdock says for two decades now, trends have shown many white women are choosing to establish careers before marriage and children.

“Whites'fertility rates, etc., have been below replacement now for over 20 years, it is occurring in more places all the time,” he says. “This is a result of some very good news with women becoming employed in jobs they can become fulfilled in.”

Overall, the current fertility rate falls about 16 percent short of what's needed to maintain the U.S. population.

“The average age at first birth has increased over time, and sometimes you can wait too long,” says Murdock.

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