IT'S ON! Beto O’Rourke VS. Ted Cruz in three debates before midterms

BETO wanted one of the debates to be entirely in Spanish, but Cruz, a champion debater isn't fluent. Cruz wanted only Friday night debates with his chosen moderators. So for awhile now, many figured the debates weren't going to happen. 

Now that BETO has made the rounds on national television, this Texas race is one of the most anticipated in the nation. It looks like the next spotlight will be on Republican Ted Cruz and Democrat Beto O'Rourke during three rounds of debates here in Texas prior to the Nov. 6 election. 

First day of early voting by personal appearance is October 22, 2018. All three debates are still in the process of planning. 

So far, the debate schedule is as follows: 

  1.  September 21st at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. The focus: domestic policy.
  2.  University of Houston in town hall debate. No date set yet. 
  3.  San Antonio. Details to be determined.

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