This Is How The Democrats Are Preparing Us For A Forever Pandemic

With most of America looking forward to getting back out for the holiday weekend, something we didn't get to do during 2020, there are some who don't want life to return to normal. Instead, they want a new normal.

The many ways the pandemic was used for power and political gain has been well documented here. And now the Biden administration wants to keep it going by making some remote work permanent for many federal workers.

Not a good look according to former Texas congressman Matt Rinaldi. "I think they want to keep the lockdown going as long as possible" he said, "because the longer the lockdown goes on, the more people are being supported by the government. And I think that's their goal, to get as many people under the support of government as possible."

Which amazingly is possible, even though roughly 50% of adults have been vaccinated. "As long as vaccinations are available to everyone, then anyone's choice not to be vaccinated is their own" Rinaldi told KTRH. "Let's get back to work, take the stupid paper off of our face, and let's get back to life as it was before."

Sounds great, unless the Dems really don't want to do that.

Rinaldi said we should know by now that "Lockdowns, mask mandates, all of the sacrifices that our politicians asked people to make, not of that was needed or had any affect whatsoever." He should know.

And as far federal workers being forced to work from home? "Federal workers are already more well paid than the average private sector worker doing the same work" Rinaldi said, "Now they're going to make it an even easier job. This is just part of the push to keep the private sector and make it more irrelevant."

The forever pandemic continues.

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