Need a job? The world needs more truck drivers!

Jim Grundy of Texas-based Sisu Energy says the shortage is all about the Covid Lockdown. "When all these manufacturing plants and in the import and export of products deceased to operate - behind all these corporations shipping companies there was a truck driver delivering product to a location. when you displace these drivers who can't run freight - they left the market."

Now that manufacturing has opened up, drivers are needed. And it doesn't take a college degree to drive a big rig at night. "Truck driving schools last from 3 to 6 weeks and you can be out there making money for night transpiration for some of the bigger companies who hire new drivers." He says his drivers with only a few years under their belts are making hundreds of thousands a year.

Around the world there is a truck driver shortage. Jim Grundy is CEO of Sisu Energy says this lack of driver supply is a part of future rising prices. "It's supply in demand. The rate of this freight is going to rise with the driver pool out there. and then you add the corporate tax rate increase of 7% that was just passed and the consumer is going to have to pay for it."

Grundy says his experienced drivers can make six figures!

photo: Getty

Truck drivers are in demand

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