A National Mask Update vs. Texas

Two months. That is when Joe Biden is expected to take office (at least according to the mainstream media) and if he does, that's when we can expect a 'national mask mandate' across the United States. But how would that play out here in Texas? Holly Hansen, who writes for The Texan, told KTRH "I think you would see some resistance that would override what we've done here in the state." She is referring to 'mask' policies that are already in place for certain public venues. Of bigger concern, are bigger orders, such as a mandatory 4-6 week lockdown, which many on the left are calling for. Local leaders here in Houston would appear to lean that way as well, but Hansen says "I think that Governor Abbott would resist a one size fits all policy, and that he would continue with the policy that he has already implemented, with a more flexible approach." Bottom line, things should stay the same...for now. But their could be a Texas-sized legal battle ahead, in a couple of months.

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