There may be good economic news for President Trump on Main Street

The good news for President Trump when it comes to the economy is that Wall Street has almost completely recovered from the COVID shutdowns. There may be good news for him on Main Street, too.

The mainstream media keeps saying the economy is in bad shape. But CNBC's Jake Novak says if history is any guide, you decided about Trump and the economy long before COVID.

"In 1992 the recession was over by the beginning of the spring. But people remembered from January and February that they were in trouble, so they had already made their decision," Novak explained.

In other words, the pandemic may not hurt Trump with voters as much as the mainstream media will tell you. We already know Wall Street is back. Novak says they got creative in order to stay healthy financially during the pandemic.

"They have found new ways to make money. It's lowered their cost tremendously across the board. They are still making money, and they had lowered expectations," Novak said, adding that most companies will announce better earnings than expected.

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