Help the staff of White Oak Music Hall

White Oak Music Hall's staff needs your help! Like many concert venues nationwide, WOMH has had to temporarily close its doors in the face of the coronavirus outbreak.

Our staff's passion and livelihood revolve around bringing people together. They work tirelessly to deliver some of the best concerts to Houston and are responsible for an infinite amount of unforgettable nights.

Please consider making a donation to our campaign to support our affected staff.100% of the net earnings from this campaign will go directly to support WOMH employees--the venue will not be keeping any proceeds!

You can donate any amount you wish, but if you donate certain amounts, you can select some unique perks as a thank you for your contribution.  Everyone who donates $25+ will receive the single-run WOMH shirt and everyone who donates $100+ will have their name included on a specially commissioned piece of artwork to be displayed on the WOMH Lawn in 2020.


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