Most of you are proud to be an American

The mainstream media isn't going to report this because it doesn't fit their narrative. It also isn't something the left will be happy about. But your American pride is overwhelming today.

Rasmussen's new polling shows 84% of you are proud to be an American. Nine percent of you are not. John Eidsmoe with 'We the Kids' says that makes sense to him.

"Most American believe that we are an exceptional nation," he stated.

But he does say that the nine percent have been very loud about what they want to change, and he has a piece of advice for them.

"I just wish that they would go abroad for a while and see what it is like in other countries. I think many of them would come back and say that America is the best the world has to offer," Eidsmoe explained, adding that he gets scared that so many on the left want to re-write the past.

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