Didja Ever...?

Did you ever leave your cup of coffee on top of your car and then drive away? A brief case? A suit case? Your glasses? Well --- this is two thousand times worse!!!

Reggie Finch, who works for a Dallas nonprofit, could swap stories with you --- and he would win the competition! He is an assistant director for nonprofit Soul's Harbor. They help men deal with addiction. Finch left a money bag on top of his car ($2 grand inside the bag) and drove out of the Buc-ee's parking lot in Terrell.

The store's employees searched surveillance video and found out what happened. Finch drove back and found the bag. Sadly, the fall had caused the bag to tear and open. He found some of the bills scattered around - but not the $2K.

Then a Texas Miracle occurred. Two Texas Department of Transportation workers had discovered the money and turned it over to the Terrell Police Department. He got it all back. He cried. All is well.

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