Get ready for extreme political messaging online again

The political season is ramping up now that the midterms are about two months away and Labor Day is in the rearview mirror. So that means you’re about to be inundated with even more politics than you have been used to.

Those messages will be on TV, on radio, and online. Social media has become a big tool for political campaigns. And some of those messages can get extreme and inflammatory; especially on Facebook. Analyst and political strategist Chris Begala tells KTRH it's a risky game to play, especially if you aren't liberal or progressive.

“It’s a big risk to run an extreme ad on Facebook. If you are conservative it’s even more of a risk,” Begala stated.

That's because your message could get lost in the shuffle or taken down. You might even be shadow banned. But, Begala says Facebook has become something campaigns have to do in this day and age.

“You have to be on Facebook. Nothing comes close to the platform,” Begala said.

That’s because of all the people that are on it. It's a far different game politically than strategists played twenty years ago.

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