Liberals Wilt After Urging to Change Austin's Name

Newsradio 740 KTRH recently reported about efforts by liberals in Austin to change the name of city -- much in the way that Confederate statues are being toppled statewide. But that talk fizzled after a buzzsaw of opposition.

Public outrage and news media attention have apparently killed off the name-changing talk – but Kurt Lyons, an attorney for the Southern Legal Resource Center, says the efforts won’t stop there.

Lyons warns that some want to change things that have long been taught in American History classes. He accuses liberals of wanting to re-process the past.

Supporters of the name-change move measured Texas pioneer Stephen F. Austin's life by contemporary standards and found it lacking -- but they stood down because of the blowback.

Montgomery County historian Frank Johnson says Texas has bigger problems than old monuments and city names, adding that progressives “need to get their priorities straight.”

He says some on the left doesn't know history well enough to change it.

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