Social Media Users Turned Off by Liberal Bias

More people are turned off by social media.

Perceived bias on social media is driving down the levels of trust that people have in them.

New British research shows a growing lack of trust in facebook, twitter and other platforms.

Less than 1 in 4 people trust the technology giants nowadays, according to new British research.

The top problem with eroding credibility is that people think companies like Facebook aren't doing to enough to address extremism on their sites.

Conservative commentators have been critical since the last election cycle of oversight at Facebook and Twitter.

They say the reasons include the slow response in removing death threats that were posted against conservative leaders.

The Edelman Trust Barometer found that the blowback is actually boosting the trust people that people have traditional media, like newspapers and TV, to the highest levels in six years.

Fully 64 percent of people surveyed want social media companies to face tighter regulation.

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