POLL: Religious leaders answer tough questions in tough times

Between the chaos caused by Hurricane Harvey, the California wildfires, and the massacre in Las Vegas, some of you might be wondering why God would let this all happen.

Dave Welch with the Houston Area Pastors Council says that may be the wrong question to ask; we should be asking something else.

“Are we asking what we are doing for God,” Welch asked.

Because of all of this, are we seeing more people turning to religion? Pastor Robert J. Morgan, who wrote the 'Red Sea Rules’, told KTRH the answer is yes.

“Some do, and some are far more fickle,” Morgan stated.

Harvey forced the Jewish temple Beth Yeshurun to hold their High Holiday services at the Lakewood Church. Associate Rabbi Brian Strauss told KTRH it had a huge impact on him and his congregants.

“They were gracious. It was inspiring. I think people are really moved by that,” Strauss explained, adding that attendance for those High Holiday services was the largest in the temple's history.

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